As shared to Bishop Lowe by Mark Gonzales of the Black Robed Regiment, San Antonio Example: May/June 2015
Back drop: There were 14 candidates running for Mayor of San Antonio. We needed to make sure that we got the Biblical candidate into the runoff election. In a liberal city like San Antonio with 65% Hispanic & 7% Black demographics we were able to make a difference. By reaching out to the churches in the area we got the first Black Female Mayor in the history San Antonio elected. She is a Christian Conservative, prolife, pro traditional marriage, the only one against the non discrimination ordinance (bathroom ordinance; males could go into the female bathroom). Which so happen to be our anchor issue on the voter guide & church turnout. We mobilized 2100 churches, distributed 400,000 voter guides. Increased the voter turnout from 7.6% to 12%. Then on the runoff election, which is normally half of the general election turnout, so the turnout should of been 6%. The runoff elections turnout was 14.2%. More than doubled it. We have had 30,000 new evangelicals voters to vote for the first time in San Antonio. The same thing can be done in Birmingham if the churches engage.
The power of the pulpit is clearly reflected in the life and practices of President Barack Obama. Many pastors failed to understand the power of the messages that they preach to the members of their congregations on Sundays and Wednesday night. Review this article that was written by David French and see how much President Obama’s pastor influenced him and then consider how much his pastor’s influence changed America. Source:
Adapted from an article by David Barton
I just wanted to supply some documented information regarding the United Church of Christ, the denomination of the church of President Obama. See how his pastor’s teachings had an influence on him as well our nation. No pastor should ever say he does not have any influence.
The United Church of Christ (UCC), is the denomination of church where Rev. Jeremiah Wright is Pastor. President Obama spent over 20 years as a member there. This denomination was the first denomination to ordain an openly gay minister and to call for recognition of homosexual marriages in 1976, [i] Currently there are some 200 openly homosexual UCC clergy serving in its various ministries or pastorates.
The UCC is also a strong advocate of abortion, openly endorsing abortion-on-demand a full two years before the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973;
they even oppose the ban on partial-birth abortions.
The UCC also holds positions that favor Palestinians above Jews (the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is uncomfortable with their position toward Israel),
[v]and the UCC doesn’t celebrate the “sexist” God of the Bible but instead uses gender-neutral images of God that can be either “he,” “she,” or whatever the individual wants Him to be.
Believing that “God speaks in new ways every day” and that “doctrine and the intent of the Bible are affected by culture and context,”
[vii] the UCC does not embrace fixed absolutes from the Scriptures (especially on moral issues) but rewrites the Bible to match whatever position they embrace at that time. Clearly, this denomination, while officially considered Christian, is certainly not Biblical; there unfortunately are other Christian and Jewish groups and individuals that have also rejected traditional Biblical truths and standards.
[i] “About Us: UCC Firsts,”
United Church of Christ (at:
See also Shaila Dewan, “United Church of Christ Backs Same-Sex Marriage,”
New York Times, July 5, 2005 (at:
[ii] W. Evan Golder, “Bill Johnson reflects on his historic ordination, 30 years later,”
United Church of Christ, June 2002 (at:
[iii] Hans Holznagel, “Fact Sheet: Reproductive Choice, HR 1833 and the United Church of Christ,”
United Church of Christ, April 1996 (at:
See also John Brown, Jr. “The Struggle for Life Within the Church of Christ,”
National Right to Life, 1999 (at:
[iv] Hans Holznagel “Fact Sheet: Reproductive Choice, HR 1833 and the United Church of Christ,”
United Church of Christ, April 1996 (at:
See also “Denominations and their stand on the issue of Abortion,”
SpiritRestoration, 2008 (at:
[v] “United Church of Christ’s Israel Divestment Action ‘Troubling’; Contravenes Months of Interfaith Dialogue,”
Anti-Defamation League, June 26, 2007 (at:
See also “ADL Assails United Church of Christ for Ignoring Israeli Suffering in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,”
Anti-Defamation League, June 26, 2007 (at:; “ADL Welcomes Effort by United Church of Christ to Give Israel a Fair Hearing,”
Anti-Defamation League, June 26, 2007 (at:; John H. Thomas, “The Church, the Synagogue, and the Dilemma of the Middle East,”
Boston College, September 19, 2006 (at:; J. Bennett Guess, “Thomas: Synod policy on Israel-Palestine ‘remains today what it was before,’”
United Church of Christ, June 29, 2007 (at:
[vi] “About Us: UCC Firsts,”
United Church of Christ (at:
[vii] Brad A. Greenberg, “Church Deems Unions Equal,”
San Bernardino Sun, July 5, 2005 (at: